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  1. Haileslassie A., Blümmel M., Murthy M. V. R., Samad M., Clement F., Anandan S., Sreeedar N. A. Radha A. V. and Ishaq, S. (2009). Understanding livestock feed and water nexus across mixed crop livestock system’s intensification gradient: an example from the Indo-Ganga Basin p. 98. In Chandrasekharaiah M., Thulasi A., Suganthi U. and Pal D. T. (Eds) 2009.Diversification of Animal Nutrition Research in the Changing Scenario (PDF: 464KB), Volume I , 17-19 December 2009, Bangalore, India.
  2. Haileslassie, A., Blummel, M., Samad, M, Clement, F., Descheemaeker, K., and Samireddypalle, A., (2010).Building resilience of rain fed production system (PDF: 460KB) to climate change: livestock water productivity perspectives. Proceedings of the National Symposium of Climate Change and Rain fed Agriculture held at CRIDA, 2010, Volume II 398-400. Hyderabad, India


  1. Haileslassie A., Blümmel M., Murthy M. V. R., Samad M., Clement F., Anandan S., Sreeedar N. A. Radha A. V. and Ishaq, S. 2009. Understanding livestock feed and water nexus across mixed crop livestock system’s intensification gradient: an example from the Indo-Ganga Basin  (special issue under review)
  2. Clement, F., Haileslassie, A., Murty, MVR, Blümmel, M, Ishaq, S., Samad, M. Dey, S,Increasing Water Productivity for Poverty Alleviation in the Ganga Basin (PDF: 371KB): a livelihood and institutional perspective (special issue under review)


  1. Clement F., Samad, M. Ishaq S., Chaudhuri D., Shindey, D.N. Institutions for improved Capitals and Capabilities in mixed Crop-Livestock Systems in the Ganga Basin,in preparation, to be submitted in July 2010 
  2. Haileslassie, A., Blümmel, M., Clement, F., Samad, M., Acharya, S.. A. Venkata Radha, Saba Ishaq, 2009.Micro scale livestock water productivity:  assessing option for improvement and its impacts on environmental sustainability (in preparation for journal publications).
  3. Haileslassie, A., Blümmel, M., Clement, F., Samad,2009.Food-feed crops water partitioning approaches to calculate Livestock Water Productivity: exploring options and limitations for sustainability indicator ( ready for working paper)
  4. Ishaq, S., Clement, F., Samad, M.,Acharya S., Radha, V,. Haileslassie, A., Analysis of gender for planning interventions to improve water productivity in mixed crop livestock systems across the Indo Gangetic Basin

 Presentations National Workshop, 27th March 2010, New Delhi

Presentation title Presenter
1 Project objectives Dr. Madar Samad, IWMI
2 Methodology Dr. Floriane Clement, IWMI
3 Physical setting of the study areas Mr. Venkata Radha, IWMI
4 Livestock Water productivity (LWP) in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: Concept and application Dr. Amare Haileslassie, ILRI
5 Multiple-scales LWP: Evaluation in the Indo-Gangetic Basin of India Dr. Amare Haileslassie, ILRI
6 Issues on livestock production in Indo-Gangetic Plains Dr.  Amitav Dey, ICAR
7 Potential of livestock keeping as a livelihood option in the IGB Ms. Saba Ishaq, IWMI
8 Water footprints of dairy-rice-wheat farming system in the Moga district in Punjab Dr. Upali Amarasinghe, IWMI
9 Policy potentials and constraints for LWP interventions Dr. Floriane Clement, IWMI
10 Synthesis of key findings and  proposed interventions Dr Madar Samad, IWMI

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